The app where you
share the best

Reliable recommendations

Get recommendations from people you know and trust, so you can experience the best, wherever you are.

Honest, private feedback

Businesses get direct, private feedback, so they can up their game and you get better service.

On Yoodee
you decide

Public rating and review sites just aren't working. Nobody knows who to trust.

It's different on Yoodee, because everything is personal. You decide. Everybody benefits.

Share the best
with your besties

With Yoodee, your buddies are with you all the time. Recommendations from them are real. They know what you like.

Also, businesses get a bunch of new customers through the door, keen to try them out.

from people you trust

Looking for somewhere to shop, eat, be entertained? Need a reliable tradesperson? Who wants to be duped by paid or fake reviews and dodgy star ratings?

You just want to know who's best. on Yoodee, you get recommendations from friends & family - or local champions who've been thoroughly checked out.

Direct, private

Your feedback matters to the businesses you care about. They love hearing about your experiences and how they can make things better - whether they’re on the high street, selling you something online or fixing things in your home. On Yoodee, you can start a direct conversation with your favourite business owner. It’s constructive stuff.

Everybody benefits from trusted recommendations and direct feedback.

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